Your Go-To Source
for Information
The Arc of North Carolina is just one of many important disability organizations across the state. These resources may be valuable to you and your family.

National ABLE Alliance Member
With NC ABLE, you can save for qualified disability expenses without losing your eligibility for certain assistance programs, like SSI and Medicaid.

Disability Rights North Carolina
Disability Rights North Carolina (DRNC) is NC's federally-mandated statewide protection and advocacy agency. It is committed to promoting and preserving disability rights in North Carolina.

The NC Office on Disability and Health
The NC Office on Disability and Health promotes the health and wellness of persons with disabilities in North Carolina through an integrated program of policy, practice, and research.

The Autism Society of North Carolina
The Autism Society of North Carolina improves the lives of individuals with autism, supports their families, and educates communities.

The Brain Injury Association of North Carolina
The Brain Injury Association of North Carolina is a statewide non-profit organization striving to better the lives of individuals living with brain injury.

The National Alliance for the Mentally Ill in North Carolina
NAMI North Carolina works with dedicated community volunteer leaders to raise awareness and provide essential education, advocacy, and support so people affected by mental illness can build better lives.

Easter Seals UCP North Carolina
Easterseals UCP provides meaningful and exceptional services so that children, adults and families living with disabilities, behavioral health challenges and autism can live, learn, work, and play in their communities.

First in Families of North Carolina
FIFNC, helps people with disabilities and their families to believe in their dreams, achieve their goals and give back to others. FIFNC is a grassroots family support initiative founded by families looking for new ways to provide and receive support.

North Carolina Special Olympics
SONC seeks to build better, healthier communities through a more holistic approach to health, fitness, nutrition, and inclusion.

The NC Guardianship Association
Provides information, education, training, and technical assistance to families, consumers, professionals and other organizations regarding guardianship, alternatives to guardianship, and the restoration of rights.

The Dept. of Health and Human Services
The Dept. of Health and Human Services is responsible for programs in NC including developmental disabilities.

NC General Assembly
NC General Assembly website links to your local representatives, information on pending legislation and more.

NC Early Intervention
NC Early Intervention is the system of services and programs for children birth to five who have, or are at risk of having developmental delays.

Partners in Justice
A resource guide on intellectual (cognitive) disabilities for professionals in the criminal justice system.

Life Plan Trust
Life Plan Trust provides information on planning for the future for families of people with disabilities.

NCFASD Informed
NCFASD Infomed assists caregivers, educators, and practitioners from all disciplines understand the impact of exposure to alcohol in utero, which results in a variety of developmental disability diagnoses collectively referred to as Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders.

NC Down Syndrome Alliance
To empower, connect, and support the lifespan of individuals with Down syndrome, their families, and the community through outreach, advocacy, and education in North Carolina.

Exceptional Children's Assistance Center
We help parents navigate the special education system, know their rights, and use their voice. We provide information, support, training and resources to assist families caring for children with special needs from birth to age 26. We also support young adults with disabilities in becoming self-advocates and leaders and the educators and professionals who serve them.
National Resources
The Arc of North Carolina also has relationships with these national organizations.

The Arc
The Arc of the United States provides information about disability free of charge.

The National Organization on DisABILITY
The National Organization on DisABILITY promotes full and equal participation of America's 54 million men, women and children with disabilities in all aspects of life.

The National Organization for Rare Disorders
The National Organization for Rare Disorders is dedicated to helping people with rare "orphan" diseases and assisting the organizations that serve them.

The Americans with Disability Act
The Americans with Disability Act offers information on the ADA as well as technical assistance, complaint filing, universal design standards and more.
The Autism Society of America
The Autism Society of America promotes lifelong access and opportunities for persons within the autism spectrum and their families.

The National Down Syndrome Society
The National Down Syndrome Society is dedicated to people with Down Syndrome.
National Disability Institute
National Disability Institute's Real Economic Impact (REI) Network is an alliance of organizations and individuals dedicated to a common mission the economic advancement of people with disabilities.