
LIFEguardianship is a program within The Arc of NC that provides guardianship to adults 18 and older who have been diagnosed with an intellectual and developmental disabilities, chronic and persistent mental illness, the elderly, and/or substance use and have been declared incompetent by the court.

LIFEguardianship Program Overview

The purpose of LIFEguardianship is to act as a surrogate decision-maker and advocate to protect the health and safety of the individual while ensuring their civil and human rights are not violated. The guardian is required to preserve the opportunity for the individual to exercise the rights that are within his or her comprehension and judgement, allowing for the same possibility of error as a person who is not incompetent.

LIFEguardianship supports and services should only be provided when other alternatives have been exhausted and/or deemed unsuitable. These alternatives include but are not limited to:

  • Power of Attorney
  • Durable Power of Attorney
  • Health Care Power of Attorney
  • Psychiatric Advance Directives (PADs)
  • Declaration Regarding Natural Death (DNR or Living Will)
  • Advance Instruction for Mental Health (AIMHT)
  • Social, Habilitation, Case Management and Advocacy Supports
  • Circle of Friends

When there is no family member or other individual able or willing to advocate for you, we step in to ensure you have quality supports and services to allow you to succeed in your community.

Find out more by calling The Arc of NC:  919-782-4632

Alternatives to Guardianship

January 2023

This webinar will cover:

  • The purpose of guardianship-who needs guardianship and why do they need guardianship?
  • How to determine when guardianship is no longer in the best interest of the individual I support.
  • The alternatives to guardianship such as: Powers of Attorney: Healthcare or Medical Power of Attorney or Emergency medical doctrine or Durable Power of Attorney; Representative Payee; Special needs trust; Special bank accounts; Limited Guardianship/Restoration; Supported Decision-Making Agreement

Presented by: Tameka Lee, BS, QP, NCG Director of LIFEguardianship, The Arc of North Carolina

Flipping the Script:
Guardianship 101

July 2023

This webinar will cover:

  • What is Guardianship in North Carolina?
  • Types of Guardianship.
  • The alternatives to guardianship such as: Powers of Attorney: Healthcare or Medical Power of Attorney or Emergency medical doctrine or Durable Power of Attorney; Representative Payee; Special needs trust; Special bank accounts; Limited Guardianship/Restoration; Supported Decision-Making Agreement

Presented by: Tameka Lee, BS, QP, NCG Director of LIFEguardianship, The Arc of North Carolina