Our Historic Impact
The Arc is an organization for people with intellectual or developmental disabilities and their family members. Parent groups throughout the country met in Minneapolis, MN in 1950 to organize The Arc. Established in 1953, The Arc of North Carolina has been providing advocacy and services to people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Since then, we have evolved into advocacy and policy leaders. Not only does The Arc of North Carolina advocate for you, The Arc has created and has established a comprehensive menu of supports and services.
The 50s
~Nearly 200 people met in High Point and formally organized State ARC (now called The Arc of North Carolina). Within 3 months, the membership totaled 1,272
~551 children are in special education classes across the state
The 60s
~The NCARC became an official State Chapter of the National ARC
~Due to the advocacy of the ARC, Governor Terry Sanford established the NC Council on Mental Retardation
~Legislature appropriated funds for first ADAP services
~Governor Bob Scott publicly states appropriations for services for people with disabilities would not have passed if not for the work of The ARC
The 70s
~Bill passed to extend instruction to children with special needs who are under six years of age
~Housing Development in NC started with grant from Division of MH/MR/SAS
The 80s
~First corporate guardianship services provided
~Focus on transition from school to work initiated by The Arc
~The Arc of NC receives grant for PARENTS project
~The Arc sponsors first Self-Advocacy conference with more than 570 participants
The 90s
~Leads in establishing the DD Consortium
~200th group home opens in NC
~1993- ARC/NC officially changes name to The Arc of North Carolina
~200th group home is opened by The Arc of NC
~The Arc of NC hosts Family Service Centers for the Special Olympics World Games
The 2000s
~The Arc of NC celebrates the 50th anniversary of the organization
~The Arc provides support services to more than 2,600 people with disabilities in NC
~The Arc manages more than 400 properties statewide, providing stable and affordable housing to more than 2,300 people
~The Arc provides services to people in nearly every county statewide