The Arc of North Carolina has been providing advocacy and services to people with intellectual and developmental disabilities since 1953.
About Us / Our History
The Arc of NC – since 1953.
The 1950s
- Nearly 200 people met in High Point and formally organized State ARC (now called The Arc of North Carolina). Within 3 months, the membership totaled 1,272.
- 551 children are in special education classes across the state.

The 1960s
- The NC ARC became an official State Chapter of the National ARC.
- Due to the advocacy of the ARC, Governor Terry Sanford established the NC Council on Mental Retardation.
- Legislature appropriated funds for first ADAP services.
- Governor Bob Scott publicly states appropriations for services for people with disabilities would not have passed if not for the work of The ARC.

The 1970s
- Bill passed to extend instruction to children with special needs who are under six years of age.
- Housing Development in NC started with grant from Division of MH/MR/SAS.

The 1980s
- First corporate guardianship services provided.
- Focus on transition from school to work initiated by The ARC.
- The ARC of NC receives grant for PARENTS project.
- The Arc sponsors first Self-Advocacy conference with more than 570 participants

The 1990s
- Leads in establishing the DD Consortium.
- 200th group home opens in NC.
- 1993- ARC/NC officially changes name to The Arc of North Carolina.
- 200th group home is opened by The Arc of NC.
- The Arc of NC hosts Family Service Centers for the Special Olympics World Games

The 2000s
- The Arc of NC celebrates the 50th anniversary of the organization.
- The Arc provides support services to more than 2,600 people with disabilities in NC.
- The Arc manages more than 400 properties statewide, providing stable and affordable housing to more than 2,300 people.
- The Arc provides services to people in nearly every county statewide

The 1950s
The 1960s
The 1970s
The 1980s
The 1990s
The 2000s